Player parameters

Dash Stream Url:

Configurable parameters

Target Latency (secs):

Min. drift (secs):

Catch-up playback rate (%):

Segments loader retry interval (ms):

Standard ABR throughput rules multiply the throughput by this value. It should be between 0 and 1, with lower values giving less rebuffering (fraction):

The time that the internal buffer target will be set to post startup/seeks (NOT top quality). (secs):

How much buffer to store (secs):

The time that the internal buffer target will be set to once playing the top quality (secs):

Current values
  • Latency:
  • Min. drift:
  • Playback rate:
  • Buffer:

Concepts definition


Lowering this value will lower latency but may decrease the player's ability to build a stable buffer.

setLiveDelay() doc

Min. drift

Minimum latency deviation allowed before activating catch-up mechanism.

setLowLatencyMinDrift() doc

Catch-up playback rate

Maximum catch-up rate, as a percentage, for low latency live streams.

setCatchUpPlaybackRate() doc